Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Us Babies

Us, the undersigned in this large-scale resistance, place the pressure on those who strike against what we believe to be basic human rights. We are a generation more connected than any other and place empathy on a pedestal. Thus emotions are on a surge. What we hold to be reason may not be so to the opposing side but it's difficult to show us past pieces of evidences due to our short time on this earth. Not an excuse. But how can you get angry at us protesting against the current president and not the previous when we had not yet learned to hold the leafs of a newspaper? Why in the world would we know something? Same as how you plead time for understanding the BLM movement, I ask your conservative generation to understand our ignorance and give us time. Our passion will take us far. We may not have protested before, but we're protesting now. Don't be so quick with judgement.

Thank you for your rapt attention.



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